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AVCB II Project responses to cyclone Amphan in coastal districts


To response super cyclone Amphan, approaching towards Bangladesh which may cross coastal areas this afternoon, UNDP is supporting 8 seaside districts including 6 districts of Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh Phase II Project (AVCB II). Some coastal districts are in great danger as hoisting highest danger signal number 10. For preparedness, UNDP joins hands with local administration and Union Parishads of  Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Bhola, Barguna and Patuakhali districts, AVCB II working areas.

Village Court Assistants (VCAs) who mostly support union parishads for registering cases in Village Court along with raising awareness about its services, are assisting union parishads and communities in preparedness of cyclone Amphan. As a member of Union Disaster Management Committee, they are attending preparedness meetings and supporting in preparedness works. They collected information of local cyclone shelters and their capacity, assisted to hoist danger signals and miking for awareness, took imitative to clean and disinfect the cyclone shelters, carrying elderly and vulnerable peoples to shelters, distribution of food, cleaning and sanitization materials (e.g. soap, mask, bleaching powder, match, candle, dry food etc.) among the evacuated people, guiding people to maintain social distance as a preventive measure of Covid-19 pandemic in the shelters etc. District representatives of the project also maintains close coordination and ensure stand by supports to the local administrations to minimize casualties, saving lives and livelihoods.


With financial and technical support of the European Union, Government of Bangladesh and UNDP, Local Government Division is implementing AVCB II Project in 1,080 unions of 27 districts. The project is supporting to make Village Courts, operating under union parishads more active and functional for resolving disputes at the local level.






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