Capacity building for relevant stakeholders of VC
Ensuring required capacity development initiatives for relevant stakeholders of VC is an ongoing intervention of AVCB II. As continuation of this process, with leadership of local administration members of District Training Pools (DTPs) meanwhile completed essential capacity development activities at districts and upazila levels.
Capacity building for UP representatives & relevant stakeholders of VC
Following guidance of DDLGs, DTP members provided five days training at district levels to 23 UP Secretaries and 22 Village Court Assistants to strengthen their capacity on VC. Subsequently, a total of 4,437 UP members received 3 days training and 8,776 village police got orientation on VC by DTP members at upazila level under the guidance of Upazila Nirbahi Officers (UNOs).
Reflection workshops with DTP members at divisional level
For capturing reflections/experiences of DTP members in organizing and conducting district and upazila level capacity development trainings for UP representatives and other VC stakeholders, with collaboration of National Institute of Local Government (NILG) the project organized eight reflection workshops in eight divisions of the country i.e. Dhaka, Mymensingh, Barishal, Khulna, Chattagram, Rangpur, Rajshahi and Sylhet with respective DTP members. Senior faculty members of NILG i.e. Director General, Director (Admin & Coordination), Director (Research) and Joint-Director (Training & Advocacy) along with concerned personnel of the project conducted the workshops. A total of 325 (female 50 and male 275) DTP members (GoB, UNDP and PNGO) participated in the workshops covering 27 working districts of AVCB II.
ToT for the newly recruited PNGO staff
Each DTP is comprised with five government officials, district and upazila coordinators of Partner NGOs along with District Facilitator (DF) of the Project, UNDP in a district. During February to May 2017, 15 Trainings of Trainers (TOTs) were provided to DTP members with support of NILG. Later (June 2018), for increasing capacity as DTP members 29 newly recruited staff of partner NGOs participated in a five days TOT in Mymensingh. This training was conducted by Joint Director (Training & Advocacy), NILG with Capacity Development unit of AVCBII project.