
News & Events

Outreach workshops with GO-NGOs


Attaining support from local government and non-government organizations (GO-NGOs) having outreach activities at community level is crucial to uphold services of VC among rural people and encouraging them to gain these services apart from regular activities of the project. In this context, for selecting suitable GO-NGOs as well as developing effective networks with them following leadership of district administration, 27 workshops were conducted during April-June 2018 at district levels. Approximately, 1,000 representatives from various GO-NGOs participated in these events while DCs were present as Chief Guests and DDLGs played role as Chair.

Speakers of these meetings shared, village court is a government service, by promoting these services local GO-NGOs would complement to achieve goal 16 “Peace, justice and strong institutions” of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, they can support to achieve a target ‘making village courts functional for creating access to justice to poor and disadvantaged people’ under the 7th five-year plan of Bangladesh. In addition, they also mentioned one of the directions made by Honorable Prime Minister in DC’s conference in 2017, for making village courts more functional for ensuring justice to mass people as well as reducing case backlogs in the courts.