
News & Events

Trainings of Trainers on Village Courts

Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh Phase II Project (AVCB II) organized 06 batches of basic Trainings of Trainers (TOTs) for newly added District Training Pool (DTP) members including 27 Deputy Directors of Local Government (DDLGs) and 128 Upazila Nirbahi Officers (UNOs) of the project areas during April-June 2019.

DDLGs and UNOs are being included as DTP members following a recommendation of Midterm Evaluation of the project to establish more ownership as representatives of local Government in respective districts and upazilas. Representatives of five inter-ministries, partner NGOs and District Facilitators (DF) of the project, who had been serving as DTP members since February 2017, also participated in refresher TOTs during the period.

These TOTs were conducted in collaboration with National Institute of Local Government (NILG) where participants learned about Village Courts Laws & Act, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), National Strategy of integrity, Gender and Village Courts and documentation process of Village Courts. Participants learned these topics in interactive ways like group works, presentations, role play/mock trail, video show, open discussions, questions & answers etc. DTP members will conduct trainings for Union Parishad chairmen, members, secretaries and Village Courts Assistants (VCA) in this year.